Hello again. Good news! (since my posts seem to be on the downward slope lately) I started seeing someone. Someone I've known for a while now and whose company I have enjoyed but I never really thought about him in that way before. And then, I just did. First person I've seen that really takes the time for me and treats me right. I'm not used to it and I think my constant surprise at his actions sets him off guard. He's a geek like me which undoubtedly equals awesome.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
A Happy Note.
Posted by Ashley Marie at 10:24 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 16, 2010
My mind is going off in so many directions lately, and with all I have going on, probably not a good thing to lose focus, but alas. I am starting to get really burnt out on school, going to class, dealing with balancing work (soon to be 2 jobs) and school, ah hell just wanna get done and move on to something else. I don't care what! Quit bashing me over the head with life plans and career focus. I just want to breathe and do my own thing, and planning has never been one of my strong points. Just because I was an honor student doesn't mean I fit in with the pencil pusher crowd. As for taking some time off, I've considered it for my sanity, but I am afraid to take a year off because I will more than likely not come back.
I'm also struggling with faith and what I believe. So far I've come up with the fact that I do believe in a higher power, and such power would most align with the Christian God. However, I don't understand why we base everything off of a book full of cryptic symbols and stories, instead of something straight up and simple. Why people just base what they believe off of what someone says to them instead of searching for their own way of thought I will never understand either. I can't relate to bible-pushers who toss their beliefs at people so I've been chased from most any religious circle of friends for that reason. I also believe in the power that nature holds, however, I have no idea how to incorporate that into my other beliefs....struggling...floundering....AHHH!
I am not wanting to pursue a relationship or even date seriously because I need time to figure out what the hell I'm doing in life and who I am. I'm looking inward right now, and possibly so busy doing that, there is no way I have time or energy to dedicate to getting someone else involved. I'm open to flirtation and fun, but I cannot bear to break anymore hearts at this point, so please bear with me.
Some good things have come out of this inward look, such as getting myself into about the best shape of my life, which has helped the confidence tremendously, learning to defend myself, and getting myself back into playing music (still need LOTS of practice though).
So all in all, I'm on a rollercoaster, and if you want to be along for the ride, you are a brave soul and a very dedicated friend and I will pay you back ten-fold.
Posted by Ashley Marie at 6:57 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
And...I Miss You...
The toughest moment of my life thus far...telling a guy I truly care about that we cannot be together.
He and I have a lot in common, laugh a lot, are comfortable around each other, and can work out our fights. This seems so good and everything...but theres this one thing...
He is my "Peter Pan." He is not ready to grow up, be responsible, take care of himself...and it was affecting my future...my plans and dreams. I need him to be able to take care of me as I take care of him...and it wasn't working that way. It hurts so much to have to let go of someone I am so comfortable with but it really seemed the best choice...I'm still struggling with it...
I am hopeful that we can maintain a great friendship and that perhaps, one day, he will be ready to grow up. I guess we shall see.
PS...my blogs...although sometimes quite personal...are to me...a narrative of life and experiences...
Posted by Ashley Marie at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Posted by Ashley Marie at 3:06 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 16, 2009
I am terrified of loss...but it happens. Too often. In high school I never thought about the fact that the people I knew could just die...just like that. But now, after losing my grandpa and three fellow schoolmates, I realize differently. This is kind of a tribute to those I have lost.
Josey Dean Shearer (1987-2006)....man, I always thought you were hilarious...I wish I had gotten to know you better earlier...instead of in the last two years of your life...we had great times in art class and you always loved my work...you are much of the reason I decided to go for it and major in art. The time we drove through the ditch by Rachelle's is a killer memory of you...I can't wait to make more memories when we meet up again (in that pie in the sky).
Elliott Scott Conard (1990-2008)...even though we never went out LOL...we had some good times...I miss seeing your car running around town...your crazy driving! I wish I had gone to one of your races or not gave you so much crap...even though it was all in fun...about the whole Smelliott thing. We had good times rocking out to ICP on the bus and some pretty decent laughs...thanks for giving me advice...my one regret is not being there for you when you needed me most...I wish I had shown how much I truly cared about you!
Amanda Rose Turman (1990-2008)...we used to be such awesome friends in grade school...I don't know what changed...well I guess I do...you were the social butterfly while I went the loner way...but you were amazing cuz you related to everyone at school...if only we had kept up through the years...sure we talked but that friend factor just wasn't there...
Grandpa (1905-2006)...you lived a long life...at times I was scared of your temper so we weren't close...you were old and I was young and thought I had all the time in the world to learn from you and your experiences...thankfully, I didn't stay 'young' forever...I grew up and took interest in your stories...I can't believe all the things you did, all the experiences you had...even though you couldn't hear...I'm glad you could tell a good story. I hope one day to see you again and hear all the stories I missed while I was out having 'fun'.
I know that everything happens for a reason...but I just want everyone to realize they can lose anyone at any time and that time should not be wasted!
-Ashley Marie Kingham-
Posted by Ashley Marie at 4:48 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 20, 2008
I am very happy! I got an A in basic design which means I can keep my scholarship and with how tough that class was...I am amazed! I've been sick so this makes my day lol. Well I'm rather bored now that school is out for a month...Casey's just over there in bed sleeping and I have nothing really to do, which is hard to get used to after being busy constantly. He's been struggling to find a job, and I know its hard with the economy right now plus some other things...I just hope he finds what he's looking for. For Christmas, I'm meeting a bunch of his family for the first time and I'm nervous... :S This is the first time I've ever been invited over for a holiday by a boyfriend's family...something I might havta get used to.
Posted by Ashley Marie at 12:01 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Finals Week

Posted by Ashley Marie at 6:36 PM 0 comments